
Actualize Capstone Project - Bidding site for podcast ad-space

Capstone Presentation

Bidcast was my final project at Actualize Coding Bootcamp, which was presented in front of a live stream audience. A panel of past alumni and the school's president asked questions and commented on the features and technologies included in the app.

I chose to build this app because my goal is to work on projects that support creatives. My vision was to help small podcasts find a revenue stream that helps them continue pursuing their passion.


The app is built with a Ruby on Rails backend and Vue.js frontend, which were part of the curriculum in the bootcamp.

I researched and implemented technology that was not covered in bootcamp, such as Action Cable to update live data on a page without the user refreshing their browser, CronJob to change expired data, and ActiveStorage to handle files uploaded by users.


Bidcast Website

Backend Repository

Frontend Repository