Actualize Coding Bootcamp

Ruby | Ruby On Rails | JavaScript | Vue.js | PostgreSQL | TDD | OOP | HTML | CSS

Actualize is a 12-week software development bootcamp in Chicago and online throughout the US, offering both part-time and full-time options. I completed the full-time, in-person program, and it's here where I was taught full stack web development from the most experienced, dedicated instructors.

  • Learned programming fundamentals and best practices in full web development
  • Created wireframes, designed schemas and devised compelling backend and frontend solutions.
  • Built and tested backend applications with RSpec and incorporated external APIs.
  • Used RESTful principles, made web requests, and formatted and styled results while incorporating libraries and themes.
  • Accumulated significant pair-programming experience.
  • Researched outside resources and effectively self-taught new technologies.


Actualize Coding Bootcamp Website