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As a software engineer, my goal is to leverage my coding skills in combination with my creativity to build memorable applications. I was exposed to a number of concepts in the classroom and I am continuing to push myself through personal projects and development.

Check out my projects and get to know me.

Ruby | Rails | JavaScript | React | Node | Vue | SQL | HTML | CSS

Actualize Coding Bootcamp

While I learned some HTML and CSS in college and on my own, Actualize not only accelerated my education in coding but also taught me the process to continue developing skills on my own once completing the program.

Beer-EZ - Online Beer Shop

Discover new breweries, browse their beer selections, place your order.

Tastebuddies - Swipe Through Food

Users can swipe through images of food - swipe left to pass on a menu item, swipe right to get more info on the restaurant. Node.js backend & Vue frontend.

Magnitude - Track Covid Data

This React application leverages a public COVID-19 data API as well as Chart.js to visualize the impact of the pandemic at state and national levels.

Bidcast - Capstone Project

I personally built and presented my app Bidcast, which allows podcasts and advertisers to connect through a bidding format. Podcasts can post available ad space and advertisers can place bids to be featured in the podcast's ads. With a Rails backend and Vue frontend, I learned and leveraged ActionCable to display the most up to date information for all users as data was being driven to the site.

Full Measure

Group built application that allows user to view maps of sidewalk doggie doo-doo in their area reported by other users.

The Wall

Group built Chrome Extension that censors page content based on user preferences.

"You cannot discover new oceans unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore."

- André Gide, Novelist

Get to know me

Because I'd get to know you. I'm sure you're interesting too.

  • Strings

    I've been playing the guitar since I was 14 after quitting the violin. It's a serious passion of mine and it isn't too late for me to become a rockstar. I play the mandolin too, because why not?

  • Illustration

    I used to draw comics in grade school and handed them out in the halls to make my friends laugh. Now I create digital illustrations as well as occassionally sketching tattoo ideas for others.

  • Run Run Run

    Running is built into my weekly schedule and it helps me clear my head to focus in other areas. I developed a stress fracture a few years ago while training for the Chicago Marathon, but I still participate in shorter races.

  • Pong

    I'm pretty legendary. Let's play.

Reach Out!

If you think you or your team could use someone with my skill set, I am open to hearing about opportunities.